The People’s Project, Dumfries is a voluntary, non-profit making organisation, founded in 2008.
It was founded to kindle the meaning of community in Dumfries and Galloway and was granted charitable status in July 2020 – Scottish Charity Number SCO50335.
The People’s Project aims to create opportunities for groups to improve areas around Dumfries, especially in their own community and environment. We hope to make Dumfries a better place to live, work and visit. The People’s Project also works and supports groups and initiatives throughout Dumfries and Galloway.
“Its strength is that it enables many local groups to work together to improve the local environment,” Keep Scotland Beautiful Judges.
2025 Calendar
The 2025 calendar which is priced at only £6 is now on sale throughout the region at many locations including
- Auchencairn Shop
- Bainloch Deer Park
- Barbours
- Barend Holiday Village
- Clonyard Hotel at Colvend
- Colvend Shop
- Dalbeattie Garden Centre
- Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary Shop
- Dundrennan Tearoom
- Flounder’s Café
- Gardenwise
- Glenwhan Gardens
- Heathhall Garden Centre